Express Art is your logos converted to builder-ready assets by the ASB Art Team. Stored in your Art Library, Express Art is pre-approved and bypasses the proofing process and goes straight to production.

How Do I Get Express Art?
Two Easy Options
Option 1:
Upload your vector or raster art in the my art library section of your account and once approved your logos will be automatically converted to Freestyle Express Art by the ASB team!
Option 2:
Place an order with your custom logos. Once the order's proof has been approved, your custom logos will automatically be added to your My Art Library as Express Art.
Either options delivers Express Art directly into your My Art Library! All orders using Express Art will bypass the proofing process for the ultimate, streamlined FreeStyle experience.
What are the benefits?
Skip the proof, go straight to production with confidence!
Straight to Production
SKIP THE LINE with EXPRESS ART - The FreeStyle Digital Art Library quickly converts your logos into FreeStyle Express Art so you can go straight into production!
Live Editing
Freedom to design in a snap! Express Art allows you to edit the color or size of your logo or custom art - instantly see, share, and save the results!

What uploaded art will be in My Art Library?
Your My Art Library automatically archives your logos and artwork from 2022 onward. This Green FreeStyle icon indicates that your logo is now Express Art. Only logos with this Express Art symbol will be treated as Express Art.
What orders will get a proof?
Orders that are using your custom logos/artwork or full custom design lines will get a proof, and that will take more time. Only Express Art bypasses the proofing process and goes straight to production.
What orders will NOT get a proof?
Orders that utilize Express Art or FreeStyle Stock Builder Art will go right to production. However, if you would prefer receiving and approving a proof, it will impact your overall order delivery time.
What is Proof Automation?
In addition to Express Art, which eliminates the need for the proofing process, we're also introducing Proof Automation, which will accelerate the proofing process if you still need to generate a proof. Proof Automation enables the FreeStyle Sublimation builder to automatically generate art proofs for any custom vector logos/artwork (non Express Art). This automation speeds the time to create and deliver a proof, which gets your order to production faster.
With proof automation, how will my approval process change?
Proof Automation will significantly improve the approval process in the following ways:
- All proofs will be sent directly to you as links in an email for your timely approval
- These new online proofs will allow you to approve or disapprove with a single click
What ASB Decoration Types does My Art Library & Express Art apply to?
Right now, this platform ONLY applies to FreeStyle Sublimation and FreeStyle Digital Print. However, we are developing a similar application for FreeStyle Headwear.